Letting her art do the talking

Via Scoop.itALS Lou Gehrig’s Disease
Slowly moving a mouse to type on her computer, Dr. Faye Magneson writes that she especially enjoyed painting mountain scenes before she could no longer hold a pastel in her hand. For the last eight years, Faye has made her own upward journey — rising above the valleys of disappointments and despair — as she continues her climb through the cruel stages of ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease. The South Bend internal medicine physician can no longer talk and must use a wheelchair. Yet she still has an uncanny way of rallying the troops — in recent years to raise money for ALS research. She and four other women — playfully and proudly calling themselves The Art Five — have just completed a book that displays 35 of Faye’s pastel paintings. Titled “An Art Journey,” it also includes her life story and short essays from her artist friends. All the proceeds from the book, priced at $40, will go toward ALS research. Faye is hosting a party for many of her friends today to celebrate the book’s release.
Via www.southbendtribune.com

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