Posts Tagged ‘BrainStorm’

BrainStorm sees positive data in ALS stem cell trial

Via Scoop.itALS Lou Gehrig’s Disease
Data from the first ALS patients in a clinical trial treated with BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics adult stem cell therapy did not show significant side effects and the treatment has so far proven to be safe, the company said on Tuesday. Israel-based BrainStorm is developing NurOwn for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. There have been no significant side effects in the initial patients we have treated with BrainStorm’s NurOwn technology,” said Dimitrios Karussis, the head of Israel’s Hadassah Medical Center’s Multiple Sclerosis unit, who is leading the clinical trial. In addition, even though we are conducting a safety trial, the early clinical follow-up of the patients treated with the stem cells shows indications of beneficial clinical effects, such as an improvement in breathing and swallowing ability as well as in muscular power.