Archive for the ‘ALS Research – Other’ Category

Exercise: stretching the limits of ALS care

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In people with ALS, the motor nerves deteriorate leading to muscle weakness and ultimately paralysis. In hopes to stop this neurodegeneration in its tracks, researchers are looking towards substances called neutrophins including BDNF, GDNF, IGF-1 and VEGF to keep nerves healthy and plugged into muscles. But delivering these protective substances safely at the right place, at the right time and at the right dose has turned out to be extremely difficult to do. And, scientists remain unsure which one of these neurotrophins is the best choice for people with ALS to protect the motor nerves from further deterioration. Studies suggest that moderate aerobic exercise such as stationary bicycling or treadmilling might have the potential to help keep muscles and nerves healthy longer in people with ALS by increasing levels of many of these protective substances in the brain and spinal cord. What’s more, a moderate workout might even help fight the disease by boosting energy supplies, removing damaged proteins and reducing inflammation. Neurologists nevertheless remain reluctant to recommend specific exercise routines for their patients. There simply is not enough clinical evidence according to experts to indicate which routines are safe and offer the most benefit to people with ALS. New clinical trials promise to change that by putting exercise to the test in people with ALS.


The Missing Link? Two new studies take a fresh look at the relationship between SOD1 and ALS.

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Researchers first associated mutations in the SOD1 gene with familial ALS in 1993, one of the first times that a specific gene had been associated with the illness. Since this discovery nearly twenty years ago, scientists have been hard at work trying to figure out exactly how changes in the SOD1 protein can lead to ALS. Two new studies published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Packard scientists in March have revealed some important clues in the relationship between SOD1 and ALS. Only a small percentage of ALS patients carry an inherited mutation in SOD1, yet some studies revealed that the SOD1 protein doesn’t work properly even in sporadic ALS patients without a known mutation in the gene. Packard Center Science Director Piera Pasinelli showed that SOD1 is over-oxidized in certain disease-fighting white blood cells in sporadic ALS patients with bulbar onset. When further stressed, this over-oxidized SOD1 acquires toxic properties similar to those seen in mutant SOD1, linking mechanisms of toxicity between a subset of sporadic and familial patients respectively. In a separate study, Packard researchers Jonathan Glass, a neuroscientist at Emory University in Atlanta, and Jean Pierre Julien, a neuroscientist at Laval University in Quebec, developed antibodies to recognize misfolded SOD1 in motor neurons in familial ALS patients. Although mutant SOD1 is found in every cell in the body, the antibodies only recognized the misfolded SOD1 in dying motor neurons. This indicates, Glass said, that specific changes are happening to SOD1 in motor neurons during the course of disease.“We still don’t know the cause of ALS. We know that a mutation in certain genes is associated with ALS, but we don’t know why these mutations kill cells,” Glass said. These studies are helping researchers figure out this association.


The 2012 Annual Packard Symposium shared the latest steps toward finding a cure.

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It was a meeting of the minds. On March 8th, 9th, and 10th, Packard Center grantees gathered at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront to present and discuss their research findings from the past year. Unlike previous years, the symposium’s format integrated bench science with clinical research findings. As Packard Science Director Piera Pasinelli noted at the start of the first day, lab results and clinical trials inform each other. When each perspective learns from the other, Pasinelli said, scientists will move more quickly towards finding promising therapeutic targets to develop into drugs for ALS. “The goal of Packard has always been to bring new discoveries forward and closer to the clinic as quickly as possible,” said Pasinelli. “By encouraging these partnerships and exchange of ideas between clinicians and bench scientists, we want to take the most promising scientific ideas to the attention of the clinicians faster. Because basic and clinical science inform each other, this exchange is also beneficial to refine strategies in the lab and in the clinic.” Perhaps the most significant breakthrough in ALS science in the past year has been the discovery of the repeat expansion on chromosome 9. Known as C9ORF72, it was co-discovered by Packard Scientist Bryan Traynor and is the most common genetic cause of familial ALS in North America. The identification of hundreds of copies of a repeating six DNA base pair sequence was a milestone, but like many important scientific discoveries, it raised more questions than it answered.


Hopkins Launches New ALS Research Center with $25 Million Gift

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A $25 million gift has enabled Johns Hopkins to establish a new center to develop novel therapies for the neurodegenerative disease known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease, or ALS. Much of the center’s research will focus on using stem cells individually derived from ALS patients to develop new model systems to investigate how nerve cells degenerate, as tools to screen new drug therapies, and to develop stem cell therapies as transplants to potentially slow or reverse the disease. The new center, dedicated March 21 and formally known as the Michael S. and Karen G. Ansari ALS Center for Cell Therapy and Regeneration Research at Johns Hopkins, is named for its benefactors: Michael and Karen Ansari. Michael Ansari is the founder, chairman and CEO of M.I.C. Industries. The gift, representing a five-year commitment, will fund a variety of efforts that aim to eventually cure ALS. The disease targets motor neurons, a type of nerve cell that controls muscle movement, and affects about three out of every 100,000 individuals. “Despite knowing about this disease for decades and the large number of clinical trials that have been completed, we still have little in our arsenal to treat it,” says Nicholas J. Maragakis, M.D., an associate professor of neurology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, co-medical director of the ALS Clinic and director of the new center. “We are now able to think out of the box about this disease. The goals of a center will focus on the use of stem cells as tools to foster aggressive programs in discovering the underlying mechanisms behind what causes ALS and rapidly translating these discoveries to the patients in our clinic.”


Roger D. Kornberg Joins Prize4Life’s Scientific Advisory Board

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Prize4Life, a non-profit organization dedicated to accelerating the discovery of treatments and a cure for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), is pleased to announce the appointment of Roger D. Kornberg, PhD, to its Scientific Advisory Board. “Prize4Life is delighted to welcome such an accomplished and talented scientific mind,” said Avi Kremer, co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Prize4Life. “Roger Kornberg is an excellent addition to our Scientific Advisory Board, which provides a high level of expert knowledge and wise counsel to Prize4Life and is integral to the success of our important mission.” Dr. Kornberg is currently a professor of structural biology at Stanford University School of Medicine, where his lab has continued to elucidate the complex process by which DNA is unraveled, read, and “transcribed” into RNA. Although his research is not directly related to ALS, Dr. Kornberg believes “Prize4Life’s mission of finding treatments and a cure for ALS is imperative. I look forward to joining the organization’s impressive assembly of scientific advisors. Through its innovative model, Prize4Life can produce real results for ALS patients.”


New research on Lou Gehrig’s Disease

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What do Lou Gehrig, Stephen Hawking and 30,000 Americans today have in common? A disease with no cure, and until now, no known cause. ALS is also called Lou Gehrig’s Disease, which is named after the famous baseball player who was diagnosed with it in 1939. It is a terminal illness that affects the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. If those cells die, they can’t move certain muscles and the body begins to waste away. Some new research suggests that ALS develops because the cells aren’t taking out the ‘trash.’ Your office and the cells in your body have something in common. Because of all the work going on, there’s also a lot of waste. Just as paper can accumulate in your office, proteins are the unnecessary clutter in a cell. If the garbage isn’t picked up in your office, it piles up. Soon, there’s not enough space to function. Similarly, when there’s no free space in a human cell, it shuts down. It’s a simple idea, but add 30 years of research behind it and you can now understand the cause of ALS. This research on ALS begins a new chapter on ALS that may re-write the ending line for the future tens of thousands waiting for an ALS lifeline.


New study shows potential links between sporadic and familial ALS

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Researchers first associated mutations in the SOD1 gene with familial ALS in 1993, one of the first times that a specific gene had been associated with the illness. Further studies showed that the SOD1 protein doesn’t work properly even in sporadic ALS patients without a known mutation in the gene, although scientists weren’t sure exactly what was causing this protein to malfunction. A new study published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Packard Center Science Director Piera Pasinelli showed that SOD1 is over-oxidized and doesn’t fold properly in lymphoblasts of sporadic ALS patients with bulbar onset. This over-oxidized SOD1 acquires toxic properties similar to those seen in mutant SOD1, linking mechanisms of toxicity between a subset of sporadic and familial patients respectively. “So far, this is the first time that it is shown that wild-type SOD1 is modified by oxidation in ALS using patients’ cells. This shows a specific mechanism of toxicity of an aberrant wild-type SOD1 in sALS- a mechanism that has been teased out for mutant SOD1 and allows for the design of target-based therapies that have the potential to go beyond the limited numbers of familial SOD1 patients,” Pasinelli said. “We used peripheral blood cells, in which the presence of an over-oxidized SOD1 has the potential to become a biomarker to classify different populations of sALS patients.

Sharing and networking in Liverpool – 10th International Consortium on SOD1 and ALS

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From Sunday morning to Tuesday evening last week, there was a lot of talk of MND research going on in Liverpool. The reason for this ‘hotspot’ of discussions was due to the annual meeting of an international consortium of MND researchers taking place at the University of Liverpool. The 10th International Consortium on SOD1 and ALS (ICOSA) meeting took place last weekend (4 – 5 March). In 2001, five laboratories came together to form ICOSA, where the aim was to share knowledge to design better-informed experiments to understand the rare, inherited SOD1 form of MND. MND Association grantee, Prof Samar Hasnain was one of its founding members. Success of this philosophy of sharing knowledge prior to publication has resulted in several leading groups joining the effort, looking at other causes of inherited MND too. A tradition of ICOSA meetings is to hold an open meeting for sharing latest results with a wider audience, following their closed meeting. Thus, on Tuesday 6 March, an open meeting was held to allow the exchange of the latest results and ideas between ICOSA members and the UK MND research community.

BGU researcher, colleagues identify compound that may prolong life for Amytotrophic Lateral Sclerosis patients

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A Ben-Gurion University researcher and her colleagues have identified a chemical compound that may lead to prolonged lifespans for patients with Amytotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and other neurodegenerative diseases. Prof. Esther Priel and her team published an article in the February edition of EMBO Molecular Medicine Journal, in which they demonstrate how their compound can induce an increased production of the enzyme telomerase in the bodies of laboratory mice and in human stem cells. The increased amount of telomerase slows the progression of ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. It will take at least 10 years to develop the compounds into a drug, she predicted. In the meantime, however, the team is producing positive results in animals, she said. While ALS remains a rare disease in Israel and throughout the world, Priel stressed just how debilitating it becomes to those who have it. “There are not a lot of people, fortunately, who have this disease, but it’s a terrible disease because they become paralyzed, and the head is working very well, so they are aware of what is going on with their body,” she said. “It is a devastating disease and there is no cure for it.”

Zebrafish study provides innovative ideas for new treatment strategies

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A study on zebrafish has increased our understanding of how motor neurones work and has provided potential clues for the development of future treatments for MND. The study, led by Dr Catherina Becker from University of Edinburgh, showed that a unique motor neurone repair system found in zebrafish can be enhanced if a particular signal called Notch1 is stopped. The results were published in the 29 February edition of Journal of Neuroscience. Unlike us, zebrafish have the ability to regenerate motor neurones when they’re damaged. This means that zebrafish can provide scientists with an excellent tool to find out about motor neurone repair. A better understanding how zebrafish achieve neurone regeneration could provide clues to develop new treatment strategies for MND. From their studies, Dr Becker and colleagues found that a chemical signaling pathway called Notch1 is increased when the neurones are damaged in zebrafish. By over activating the Notch1 signal, they found that new motor neurones would not grow well, and would not grow in the same prolific numbers as normal. This means that an over active Notch1 signal can stop the regeneration of motor neurones that occurs in zebrafish.