Hood Meadows Hosts New Ski to Defeat ALS Event

Via Scoop.itALS Lou Gehrig’s Disease

The goal is $100,000, and a former CMH heli guide is one of the driving forces behind the fundraiser to be held at Mt. Hood Meadows in Oregon. The fundraiser on April 14, 2012 aims raise money for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Seventy-four-year-old Fred Noble, known to friends and the Portland ski community as The Fredinator, was diagnosed with ALS in December 2010. The life-long skier who worked with Canadian Mountain Holidays for 38 years suddenly needed to adapt everything in his life to accommodate living with ALS, and the local chapter of The ALS Association helped out. In repayment, Noble is leading the fundraising charge, having set a personal goal of $10,000. Noble credits the local chapter of The ALS Association with helping him with loans of adaptive equipment, advice on remodeling his house to accommodate his new needs, and dealing with medical insurance. Even with ALS, he has not given up skiing, but has converted to skiing with adaptive gear.

Via www.onthesnow.com

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