New hope for our toughest diseases – By Richard Garr, president and CEO Neuralstem

Via Scoop.itALS Lou Gehrig’s Disease

As the saying goes, there is good news and there is bad news. Here is the bad news: Right now, there are an estimated 5.4 million Americans suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, one million suffering from Parkinson’s, over five million who have a disease related to a traumatic brain injury, 265,000 with spinal cord injuries, 30,000 who have ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), and 129,000 who have brain cancer. Over 25 million Americans also suffer from diabetes – about 8.3% of the population – and the problem is growing. After that, it’s hard to believe there is good news, but here it is: R & D breakthroughs are happening in science and biotechnology at a remarkable pace to deal with these diseases. Biotech companies are on the front lines to find cures for life-threatening diseases. There are currently 800 new treatments being developed for cancer by biotech companies, 300 for heart disease, 200 for diabetes and 100 for Alzheimer’s, according to the Biotechnology Industry Organization. Some companies, such as the one I represent, Neuralstem, Inc., are using state-of-the-art stem cell research to attack diseases such as ALS, brain and spinal cord injuries, and down the road, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. What we need to do now is accelerate this research and speed up the development of new cures for those in desperate need. America landed a man on the moon in less than a decade and yet it takes 10-15 years to take a new drug from discovery to treating a patient. Given the pace of scientific change, America is held back and patients are suffering because of the long time lags. Investors and private funders are reluctant to invest with the regulatory barriers placed in their way. The FDA simply must keep pace with the safe and effective development of new, innovative, scientific breakthroughs that can literally provide hope for those with life-threatening diseases. The old, bureaucratic ways simply won’t work in the 21st century.


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